Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Waiting to See What Sticks...

Photos by Sheri

I have a lot of different projects going on these days. Nothing permanent. Each in a different area with different people. It's like a bunch of random shapes of pasta boiling on the stove and one of these days it will get thrown against a wall and we'll see what sticks.

Here's a glimpse at the different noodle shapes in the pot:

Music at The Old Stone Church, Upper Saddle River, NJ. We (Pastor Fretz and I, with the blessing of the Consitory) started a Saturday evening acoustic worship service in an acoustic marvel early 19th Century sanctuary. We held three services over the summer and I love, love, love hosting these nights. I feel so privileged to make music in this beautiful, sacred space. My dream of dreams would be to use the church as a music venue for Christian artists. Fall plans will be discussed soon, I will keep you posted.

Christian Community Church, River Edge, NJ. Pastor Ralph and I are hoping to start a band for Sunday morning services. I led one week by myself and another week with Pastor Ralph, who is quite an accomplished guitarist. This Sunday, my friend Cucch (Anthony Cucchiaro) will join us on bass. To my knowledge, the church hasn't had a praise band before, or at least it isn't set up for one. There isn't even a screen or sound board set up. For now, we are using my childhood hymnals and I am really enjoying learning to play more hymns.

GEMS Club, Midland Park, NJ. Last fall, I was asked to lead the girls in worship on alternating Tuesday nights. This year, I will be doing it again, hopefully more organized than before! I have also been asked to assist with one of the small groups. It is really stepping out of my comfort zone to do this, but I am willing to give it a try.

Friends to Friends Church, Ridgewood, NJ. The church holds a Sunday evening service for "differently-abled" adults and I was so blessed to play and sing hymns with them a few weeks ago. I was invited back again this Sunday night, and I couldn't look forward to anything more!

An EP Maybe? The final project in the pot is recording my original music. For the past two years or more, recording plans keep keep falling apart. I have set a goal of making an EP before my 40th birthday, which is in October. If the latest plan works out, it could theoretically happen. But, let's just say, I will try not to hold my breath until it does!

If you've gotten this far, thank you so much for your support. Your prayers and encouragement are greatly appreciated! If you'd like to keep up-to-date on my music, please "Like" me on Facebook, fan me on Reverb Nation or follow my blog by clicking the "follow" button on the top right of the page.

Blessings and peace!

Danny giving mommy a helping hand at Freedom Fest 2012 in Allentown, NJ.