Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Music at The Old Stone Church Fall Schedule & More

I am pleased to announce that Music at The Old Stone Church will be hosting monthly Acoustic Worship nights this fall. Please mark your calendar for Saturdays Sept. 15, Oct. 13, Nov. 10 and Dec. 8. The services start at 5 p.m.

If you have not had a chance to attended these unique worship services, please make it a point to check one out this fall. It is unlike any other service. We start with a time a reflection with quiet music floating over the congregation from the back of the balcony. Use the time to pray, reflect, journal, meditate or just stare out the window.

After a time of low-key music, the congregation will be invited to sing along, followed with some corporate worship and praise time. The scripture readings and discussion will focus on the ministry of Jesus and the Gospel message. Group participation is encouraged, but not mandatory. It's a pretty big departure from the traditional Sunday morning service, and I hope you will enjoy it and spread the word.

Another big excitement, we will also start hosting concerts this fall. So far, we have booked The Vespers for Sunday, Oct. 7. The Nashville-based band of Callie & Phoebe Cryar and Bruno & Taylor Jones self-released its second album The Fourth Wall earlier this year. The album pays homage to American Roots music while also exploring Christian themes. The soulful, energetic band was in a PBS special filmed at Bluegrass Underground and was written up by the Huffington Post. I am very excited to have them LIVE & Acoustic at The Old Stone Church.

Last point to mention: I am looking for acoustic musicians for both Saturday evening worship services and upcoming concerts. We will be holding auditions on Sept. 15. All musicians are welcome, all styles of music, individuals or existing group. Anything from handbell choirs and string quartets to contemporary praise bands and Southern Gospel groups, and anything in between.

The main requirements are that no amplification or mics are used, the music must glorify God and musicians must sound good in the room. The acoustics are perfect for strings and woodwinds, light percussion, a cappella singing, etc. but not so nice for brass or bagpipes.

Auditions for individual musicians and existing groups are scheduled for Sept. 15. Please RSVP to our Facebook event page or email RKAbma@gmail.com for more details.